

October 24, 2024


November 10, 2024

Between-Study Heterogeneity \(\zeta_k\)

Cochran’s Q

Cochran’s Q定义为每一项研究与总体效应的偏差加权平方和 (weighted sum of squares, WSS)。

\[ Q=\sum_{k=1}^K \omega_k(\hat \theta_k - \hat\theta)^2 \]

当研究之间没有异质性即\(\zeta_k =0\) 仅有抽样误差,假设

\[ \hat\theta_k-\hat\theta\sim N(0,1) \]

Show the code
set.seed(123) # needed to reproduce results
rnorm(n = 40, mean = 0, sd = 1)
 [1] -0.56047565 -0.23017749  1.55870831  0.07050839  0.12928774  1.71506499
 [7]  0.46091621 -1.26506123 -0.68685285 -0.44566197  1.22408180  0.35981383
[13]  0.40077145  0.11068272 -0.55584113  1.78691314  0.49785048 -1.96661716
[19]  0.70135590 -0.47279141 -1.06782371 -0.21797491 -1.02600445 -0.72889123
[25] -0.62503927 -1.68669331  0.83778704  0.15337312 -1.13813694  1.25381492
[31]  0.42646422 -0.29507148  0.89512566  0.87813349  0.82158108  0.68864025
[37]  0.55391765 -0.06191171 -0.30596266 -0.38047100
Show the code
error_fixed <- replicate(n = 10000, rnorm(40))

     xlab = expression(hat(theta[k])~-~hat(theta)), prob = TRUE, 
     breaks = 100, ylim = c(0, .45), xlim = c(-4,4),
     main = "No Heterogeneity")
lines(seq(-4, 4, 0.01), dnorm(seq(-4, 4, 0.01)), 
      col = "blue", lwd = 2)

假设研究之间存在异质性 (\(\zeta_k\))和抽样误差(\(\epsilon_k\)

Show the code
error_random <- replicate(n = 10000, rnorm(40) + rnorm(40))
     xlab = expression(hat(theta[k])~-~hat(theta)), prob = TRUE, 
     breaks = 100,ylim = c(0, .45), xlim = c(-4,4),
     main = "Heterogeneity")
lines(seq(-4, 4, 0.01), dnorm(seq(-4, 4, 0.01)), 
      col = "blue", lwd = 2)


Show the code
Q_fixed <- replicate(10000, sum(rnorm(40)^2))
Q_random <- replicate(10000, sum((rnorm(40) + rnorm(40))^2))


Show the code
df <- 40-1

hist(Q_fixed, xlab = expression(italic("Q")), prob = TRUE, 
     breaks = 100, ylim = c(0, .06),xlim = c(0,160),
     main = "No Heterogeneity")
lines(seq(0, 100, 0.01), dchisq(seq(0, 100, 0.01), df = df), 
      col = "blue", lwd = 2)

Show the code
hist(Q_random,  xlab = expression(italic("Q")), prob = TRUE, 
     breaks = 100, ylim = c(0, .06), xlim = c(0,160),
     main = "Heterogeneity")
lines(seq(0, 100, 0.01), dchisq(seq(0, 100, 0.01), df = df), 
      col = "blue", lwd = 2)

Higgins & Thompson’s \(I^2\)Statistic

\(I^2\) 是另一种估计异质性的方法,基于Cochran’s Q。 它被定义为不是由抽样误差引起的效应量的变异百分比

\(I^2\) 基于以下假设:在无异质性的零假设下,Q遵循具有K-1自由度的χ2分布。它以百分比的形式量化了在没有异质性(即K-1)的情况下,观察到的Q值超过预期Q值的程度。

\[ I^2=\frac{Q-(K-1)}{Q} \]


Show the code
# Display the value of the 10th simulation of Q
[1] 35.85787
Show the code
# Define k
k <- 40

# Calculate I^2
(Q_fixed[10] - (k-1))/Q_fixed[10]
[1] -0.08762746

\(I^2\) = 0% 说明效应量的0%是由研究间的异质性引起的

Show the code
(Q_random[10] - (k-1))/Q_random[10]
[1] 0.5692061


  • I2 = 25%: low heterogeneity

  • I2 = 50%: moderate heterogeneity

  • I2 = 75%: substantial heterogeneity.

\(H^2\) statistic


\[ H^2=\frac{Q}{K-1} \]


Heterogeneity Variance \(\tau^2\)& Standard Deviation \(\tau\)

Show the code
m.gen <- metagen(TE = TE,
                 seTE = seTE,
                 studlab = Author,
                 data = dmetar::ThirdWave,
                 sm = "SMD",
                 fixed = FALSE,
                 random = TRUE,
                 method.tau = "REML",
                 method.random.ci = "HK",
                 title = "Third Wave Psychotherapies")
Show the code
# Pooled effect
[1] 0.5771158
Show the code
# Estimate of tau
[1] 0.2863311

我们看到了g=0.58 和τ=0.29. 根据这些数据,我们可以计算出 95% 真实效应量置信区间的下限和上限:0.58−1.96×0.29 = 0.01 和 0.58 1.96+×0.29 = 1.15。

Prediction intervals (PIs) 

95% 预测区间的公式如下所示:

Show the code
m.gen <- update(m.gen, prediction = TRUE)
Review:     Third Wave Psychotherapies

                          SMD            95%-CI %W(random)
Call et al.            0.7091 [ 0.1979; 1.2203]        5.0
Cavanagh et al.        0.3549 [-0.0300; 0.7397]        6.3
DanitzOrsillo          1.7912 [ 1.1139; 2.4685]        3.8
de Vibe et al.         0.1825 [-0.0484; 0.4133]        7.9
Frazier et al.         0.4219 [ 0.1380; 0.7057]        7.3
Frogeli et al.         0.6300 [ 0.2458; 1.0142]        6.3
Gallego et al.         0.7249 [ 0.2846; 1.1652]        5.7
Hazlett-Stevens & Oren 0.5287 [ 0.1162; 0.9412]        6.0
Hintz et al.           0.2840 [-0.0453; 0.6133]        6.9
Kang et al.            1.2751 [ 0.6142; 1.9360]        3.9
Kuhlmann et al.        0.1036 [-0.2781; 0.4853]        6.3
Lever Taylor et al.    0.3884 [-0.0639; 0.8407]        5.6
Phang et al.           0.5407 [ 0.0619; 1.0196]        5.3
Rasanen et al.         0.4262 [-0.0794; 0.9317]        5.1
Ratanasiripong         0.5154 [-0.1731; 1.2039]        3.7
Shapiro et al.         1.4797 [ 0.8618; 2.0977]        4.2
Song & Lindquist       0.6126 [ 0.1683; 1.0569]        5.7
Warnecke et al.        0.6000 [ 0.1120; 1.0880]        5.2

Number of studies: k = 18

                             SMD            95%-CI    t  p-value
Random effects model (HK) 0.5771 [ 0.3782; 0.7760] 6.12 < 0.0001
Prediction interval              [-0.0542; 1.2084]              

Quantifying heterogeneity (with 95%-CIs):
 tau^2 = 0.0820 [0.0295; 0.3533]; tau = 0.2863 [0.1717; 0.5944]
 I^2 = 62.6% [37.9%; 77.5%]; H = 1.64 [1.27; 2.11]

Test of heterogeneity:
     Q d.f. p-value
 45.50   17  0.0002

Details of meta-analysis methods:
- Inverse variance method
- Restricted maximum-likelihood estimator for tau^2
- Q-Profile method for confidence interval of tau^2 and tau
- Calculation of I^2 based on Q
- Hartung-Knapp adjustment for random effects model (df = 17)
- Prediction interval based on t-distribution (df = 17)




Show the code
Identified outliers (random-effects model) 
"DanitzOrsillo", "Shapiro et al." 
Results with outliers removed 
Review:     Third Wave Psychotherapies

Number of studies: k = 16

                             SMD           95%-CI    t  p-value
Random effects model (HK) 0.4528 [0.3257; 0.5800] 7.59 < 0.0001
Prediction interval              [0.1705; 0.7352]              

Quantifying heterogeneity (with 95%-CIs):
 tau^2 = 0.0139 [0.0000; 0.1032]; tau = 0.1180 [0.0000; 0.3213]
 I^2 = 24.8% [0.0%; 58.7%]; H = 1.15 [1.00; 1.56]

Test of heterogeneity:
     Q d.f. p-value
 19.95   15  0.1739

Details of meta-analysis methods:
- Inverse variance method
- Restricted maximum-likelihood estimator for tau^2
- Q-Profile method for confidence interval of tau^2 and tau
- Calculation of I^2 based on Q
- Hartung-Knapp adjustment for random effects model (df = 15)
- Prediction interval based on t-distribution (df = 15)


Show the code
m.gen.inf <- dmetar::InfluenceAnalysis(m.gen, random = TRUE)
[===========================================================================] DONE 
Show the code
plot(m.gen.inf, "baujat")

Show the code
plot(m.gen.inf, "influence")

Show the code
plot(m.gen.inf, "es")

Show the code
plot(m.gen.inf, "i2")

GOSH Plot Analysis

Graphic Display of Heterogeneity (GOSH) 

Show the code

m.rma <- rma(yi = m.gen$TE,
             sei = m.gen$seTE,
             method = m.gen$method.tau,
             test = "knha")
Show the code
res.gosh <- gosh(m.rma)
save(res.gosh,file = "data/res.gosh.RData")
Show the code
plot(res.gosh, alpha = 0.01)

GOSH 诊断图

Show the code
#' @usage gosh.diagnostics(data, km = TRUE, db = TRUE, gmm = TRUE,
#'                  km.params = list(centers = 3,
#'                                   iter.max = 10, nstart = 1,
#'                                   algorithm = c("Hartigan-Wong",
#'                                   "Lloyd", "Forgy","MacQueen"),
#'                                   trace = FALSE),
#'                  db.params = list(eps = 0.15, MinPts = 5,
#'                                   method = c("hybrid", "raw", "dist")),
#'                  gmm.params = list(G = NULL, modelNames = NULL,
#'                                    prior = NULL, control = emControl(),
#'                                    initialization = list(hcPairs = NULL,
#'                                    subset = NULL,
#'                                    noise = NULL),
#'                                    Vinv = NULL,
#'                                    warn = mclust.options("warn"),
#'                                    x = NULL, verbose = FALSE),
#'                  seed = 123,
#'                  verbose = TRUE)
Show the code
res.gosh.diag <- dmetar::gosh.diagnostics(res.gosh, 
                                  km.params = list(centers = 2),
                                  db.params = list(eps = 0.08, 
                                                   MinPts = 50))
Show the code
data("m.gosh",package = "dmetar")
res.diag <-dmetar::gosh.diagnostics(m.gosh)
 Perform Clustering... 
 |==========================================================================================| DONE 
Show the code
GOSH Diagnostics 

 - Number of K-means clusters detected: 3
 - Number of DBSCAN clusters detected: 4
 - Number of GMM clusters detected: 4

 Identification of potential outliers 

 - K-means: Study 3, Study 4
 - DBSCAN: Study 3, Study 4
 - Gaussian Mixture Model: Study 3
Show the code

Show the code
update(m.gen, exclude = c(3, 4, 16)) %>% 
Review:     Third Wave Psychotherapies

                          SMD            95%-CI %W(random) exclude
Call et al.            0.7091 [ 0.1979; 1.2203]        4.6        
Cavanagh et al.        0.3549 [-0.0300; 0.7397]        8.1        
DanitzOrsillo          1.7912 [ 1.1139; 2.4685]        0.0       *
de Vibe et al.         0.1825 [-0.0484; 0.4133]        0.0       *
Frazier et al.         0.4219 [ 0.1380; 0.7057]       14.8        
Frogeli et al.         0.6300 [ 0.2458; 1.0142]        8.1        
Gallego et al.         0.7249 [ 0.2846; 1.1652]        6.2        
Hazlett-Stevens & Oren 0.5287 [ 0.1162; 0.9412]        7.0        
Hintz et al.           0.2840 [-0.0453; 0.6133]       11.0        
Kang et al.            1.2751 [ 0.6142; 1.9360]        2.7        
Kuhlmann et al.        0.1036 [-0.2781; 0.4853]        8.2        
Lever Taylor et al.    0.3884 [-0.0639; 0.8407]        5.8        
Phang et al.           0.5407 [ 0.0619; 1.0196]        5.2        
Rasanen et al.         0.4262 [-0.0794; 0.9317]        4.7        
Ratanasiripong         0.5154 [-0.1731; 1.2039]        2.5        
Shapiro et al.         1.4797 [ 0.8618; 2.0977]        0.0       *
Song & Lindquist       0.6126 [ 0.1683; 1.0569]        6.1        
Warnecke et al.        0.6000 [ 0.1120; 1.0880]        5.0        

Number of studies: k = 15

                             SMD           95%-CI    t  p-value
Random effects model (HK) 0.4819 [0.3595; 0.6043] 8.44 < 0.0001
Prediction interval              [0.3623; 0.6016]              

Quantifying heterogeneity (with 95%-CIs):
 tau^2 < 0.0001 [0.0000; 0.0955]; tau = 0.0012 [0.0000; 0.3091]
 I^2 = 4.6% [0.0%; 55.7%]; H = 1.02 [1.00; 1.50]

Test of heterogeneity:
     Q d.f. p-value
 14.67   14  0.4011

Details of meta-analysis methods:
- Inverse variance method
- Restricted maximum-likelihood estimator for tau^2
- Q-Profile method for confidence interval of tau^2 and tau
- Calculation of I^2 based on Q
- Hartung-Knapp adjustment for random effects model (df = 14)
- Prediction interval based on t-distribution (df = 14)