[1] -0.56047565 -0.23017749 1.55870831 0.07050839 0.12928774 1.71506499
[7] 0.46091621 -1.26506123 -0.68685285 -0.44566197 1.22408180 0.35981383
[13] 0.40077145 0.11068272 -0.55584113 1.78691314 0.49785048 -1.96661716
[19] 0.70135590 -0.47279141 -1.06782371 -0.21797491 -1.02600445 -0.72889123
[25] -0.62503927 -1.68669331 0.83778704 0.15337312 -1.13813694 1.25381492
[31] 0.42646422 -0.29507148 0.89512566 0.87813349 0.82158108 0.68864025
[37] 0.55391765 -0.06191171 -0.30596266 -0.38047100
Between-Study Heterogeneity \(\zeta_k\)
Cochran’s Q
Cochran’s Q定义为每一项研究与总体效应的偏差加权平方和 (weighted sum of squares, WSS)。
\[ Q=\sum_{k=1}^K \omega_k(\hat \theta_k - \hat\theta)^2 \]
当研究之间没有异质性即\(\zeta_k =0\) 仅有抽样误差,假设
\[ \hat\theta_k-\hat\theta\sim N(0,1) \]
Show the code
假设研究之间存在异质性 (\(\zeta_k\))和抽样误差(\(\epsilon_k\))
Show the code
Show the code
Show the code
Higgins & Thompson’s \(I^2\)Statistic
\(I^2\) 是另一种估计异质性的方法,基于Cochran’s Q。 它被定义为不是由抽样误差引起的效应量的变异百分比
\(I^2\) 基于以下假设:在无异质性的零假设下,Q遵循具有K-1自由度的χ2分布。它以百分比的形式量化了在没有异质性(即K-1)的情况下,观察到的Q值超过预期Q值的程度。
\[ I^2=\frac{Q-(K-1)}{Q} \]
Show the code
# Display the value of the 10th simulation of Q
[1] 35.85787
Show the code
# Define k
k <- 40
# Calculate I^2
(Q_fixed[10] - (k-1))/Q_fixed[10]
[1] -0.08762746
\(I^2\) = 0% 说明效应量的0%是由研究间的异质性引起的
Show the code
(Q_random[10] - (k-1))/Q_random[10]
[1] 0.5692061
I2 = 25%: low heterogeneity
I2 = 50%: moderate heterogeneity
I2 = 75%: substantial heterogeneity.
\(H^2\) statistic
\[ H^2=\frac{Q}{K-1} \]
Heterogeneity Variance \(\tau^2\)& Standard Deviation \(\tau\)
Show the code
# Pooled effect
[1] 0.5771158
Show the code
# Estimate of tau
[1] 0.2863311
我们看到了g=0.58 和τ=0.29. 根据这些数据,我们可以计算出 95% 真实效应量置信区间的下限和上限:0.58−1.96×0.29 = 0.01 和 0.58 1.96+×0.29 = 1.15。
Prediction intervals (PIs)
95% 预测区间的公式如下所示:
Review: Third Wave Psychotherapies
SMD 95%-CI %W(random)
Call et al. 0.7091 [ 0.1979; 1.2203] 5.0
Cavanagh et al. 0.3549 [-0.0300; 0.7397] 6.3
DanitzOrsillo 1.7912 [ 1.1139; 2.4685] 3.8
de Vibe et al. 0.1825 [-0.0484; 0.4133] 7.9
Frazier et al. 0.4219 [ 0.1380; 0.7057] 7.3
Frogeli et al. 0.6300 [ 0.2458; 1.0142] 6.3
Gallego et al. 0.7249 [ 0.2846; 1.1652] 5.7
Hazlett-Stevens & Oren 0.5287 [ 0.1162; 0.9412] 6.0
Hintz et al. 0.2840 [-0.0453; 0.6133] 6.9
Kang et al. 1.2751 [ 0.6142; 1.9360] 3.9
Kuhlmann et al. 0.1036 [-0.2781; 0.4853] 6.3
Lever Taylor et al. 0.3884 [-0.0639; 0.8407] 5.6
Phang et al. 0.5407 [ 0.0619; 1.0196] 5.3
Rasanen et al. 0.4262 [-0.0794; 0.9317] 5.1
Ratanasiripong 0.5154 [-0.1731; 1.2039] 3.7
Shapiro et al. 1.4797 [ 0.8618; 2.0977] 4.2
Song & Lindquist 0.6126 [ 0.1683; 1.0569] 5.7
Warnecke et al. 0.6000 [ 0.1120; 1.0880] 5.2
Number of studies: k = 18
SMD 95%-CI t p-value
Random effects model (HK) 0.5771 [ 0.3782; 0.7760] 6.12 < 0.0001
Prediction interval [-0.0542; 1.2084]
Quantifying heterogeneity (with 95%-CIs):
tau^2 = 0.0820 [0.0295; 0.3533]; tau = 0.2863 [0.1717; 0.5944]
I^2 = 62.6% [37.9%; 77.5%]; H = 1.64 [1.27; 2.11]
Test of heterogeneity:
Q d.f. p-value
45.50 17 0.0002
Details of meta-analysis methods:
- Inverse variance method
- Restricted maximum-likelihood estimator for tau^2
- Q-Profile method for confidence interval of tau^2 and tau
- Calculation of I^2 based on Q
- Hartung-Knapp adjustment for random effects model (df = 17)
- Prediction interval based on t-distribution (df = 17)
Show the code
Identified outliers (random-effects model)
"DanitzOrsillo", "Shapiro et al."
Results with outliers removed
Review: Third Wave Psychotherapies
Number of studies: k = 16
SMD 95%-CI t p-value
Random effects model (HK) 0.4528 [0.3257; 0.5800] 7.59 < 0.0001
Prediction interval [0.1705; 0.7352]
Quantifying heterogeneity (with 95%-CIs):
tau^2 = 0.0139 [0.0000; 0.1032]; tau = 0.1180 [0.0000; 0.3213]
I^2 = 24.8% [0.0%; 58.7%]; H = 1.15 [1.00; 1.56]
Test of heterogeneity:
Q d.f. p-value
19.95 15 0.1739
Details of meta-analysis methods:
- Inverse variance method
- Restricted maximum-likelihood estimator for tau^2
- Q-Profile method for confidence interval of tau^2 and tau
- Calculation of I^2 based on Q
- Hartung-Knapp adjustment for random effects model (df = 15)
- Prediction interval based on t-distribution (df = 15)
Show the code
m.gen.inf <- dmetar::InfluenceAnalysis(m.gen, random = TRUE)
[===========================================================================] DONE
Show the code
plot(m.gen.inf, "baujat")
Show the code
plot(m.gen.inf, "influence")
GOSH Plot Analysis
Graphic Display of Heterogeneity (GOSH)
GOSH 诊断图
Show the code
#' @usage gosh.diagnostics(data, km = TRUE, db = TRUE, gmm = TRUE,
#' km.params = list(centers = 3,
#' iter.max = 10, nstart = 1,
#' algorithm = c("Hartigan-Wong",
#' "Lloyd", "Forgy","MacQueen"),
#' trace = FALSE),
#' db.params = list(eps = 0.15, MinPts = 5,
#' method = c("hybrid", "raw", "dist")),
#' gmm.params = list(G = NULL, modelNames = NULL,
#' prior = NULL, control = emControl(),
#' initialization = list(hcPairs = NULL,
#' subset = NULL,
#' noise = NULL),
#' Vinv = NULL,
#' warn = mclust.options("warn"),
#' x = NULL, verbose = FALSE),
#' seed = 123,
#' verbose = TRUE)
Show the code
res.gosh.diag <- dmetar::gosh.diagnostics(res.gosh,
km.params = list(centers = 2),
db.params = list(eps = 0.08,
MinPts = 50))
Show the code
data("m.gosh",package = "dmetar")
res.diag <-dmetar::gosh.diagnostics(m.gosh)
Perform Clustering...
|==========================================================================================| DONE
Show the code
GOSH Diagnostics
- Number of K-means clusters detected: 3
- Number of DBSCAN clusters detected: 4
- Number of GMM clusters detected: 4
Identification of potential outliers
- K-means: Study 3, Study 4
- DBSCAN: Study 3, Study 4
- Gaussian Mixture Model: Study 3
Show the code
Review: Third Wave Psychotherapies
SMD 95%-CI %W(random) exclude
Call et al. 0.7091 [ 0.1979; 1.2203] 4.6
Cavanagh et al. 0.3549 [-0.0300; 0.7397] 8.1
DanitzOrsillo 1.7912 [ 1.1139; 2.4685] 0.0 *
de Vibe et al. 0.1825 [-0.0484; 0.4133] 0.0 *
Frazier et al. 0.4219 [ 0.1380; 0.7057] 14.8
Frogeli et al. 0.6300 [ 0.2458; 1.0142] 8.1
Gallego et al. 0.7249 [ 0.2846; 1.1652] 6.2
Hazlett-Stevens & Oren 0.5287 [ 0.1162; 0.9412] 7.0
Hintz et al. 0.2840 [-0.0453; 0.6133] 11.0
Kang et al. 1.2751 [ 0.6142; 1.9360] 2.7
Kuhlmann et al. 0.1036 [-0.2781; 0.4853] 8.2
Lever Taylor et al. 0.3884 [-0.0639; 0.8407] 5.8
Phang et al. 0.5407 [ 0.0619; 1.0196] 5.2
Rasanen et al. 0.4262 [-0.0794; 0.9317] 4.7
Ratanasiripong 0.5154 [-0.1731; 1.2039] 2.5
Shapiro et al. 1.4797 [ 0.8618; 2.0977] 0.0 *
Song & Lindquist 0.6126 [ 0.1683; 1.0569] 6.1
Warnecke et al. 0.6000 [ 0.1120; 1.0880] 5.0
Number of studies: k = 15
SMD 95%-CI t p-value
Random effects model (HK) 0.4819 [0.3595; 0.6043] 8.44 < 0.0001
Prediction interval [0.3623; 0.6016]
Quantifying heterogeneity (with 95%-CIs):
tau^2 < 0.0001 [0.0000; 0.0955]; tau = 0.0012 [0.0000; 0.3091]
I^2 = 4.6% [0.0%; 55.7%]; H = 1.02 [1.00; 1.50]
Test of heterogeneity:
Q d.f. p-value
14.67 14 0.4011
Details of meta-analysis methods:
- Inverse variance method
- Restricted maximum-likelihood estimator for tau^2
- Q-Profile method for confidence interval of tau^2 and tau
- Calculation of I^2 based on Q
- Hartung-Knapp adjustment for random effects model (df = 14)
- Prediction interval based on t-distribution (df = 14)