# 差异表达基因分析
```{r include=FALSE}
## 数据
[ Lung Adenocarcinoma (LUAD) gene expression RNAseq HTSeq - Counts (n=585) GDC 中心 和Phenotype (n=877) ] (https://xenabrowser.net/datapages/?cohort=GDC%20TCGA%20Lung%20Adenocarcinoma%20(LUAD)&removeHub=https%3A%2F%2Fxena.treehouse.gi.ucsc.edu%3A443)
## Assays
### 对数计数矩阵
[ arrorw 包 ](https://arrow.apache.org/docs/r/articles/arrow.html)
- read_parquet():读取 Parquet 格式的文件
- read_delim_arrow():读取带分隔符的文本文件
- read_csv_arrow():读取逗号分隔值 (CSV) 文件
- read_tsv_arrow():读取制表符分隔值 (TSV) 文件
library (arrow, warn.conflicts = FALSE )
raw_logCount <- read_tsv_arrow ("data/TCGA-LUAD.htseq_counts.tsv" )
# 读取计数矩阵 log2(count+1) # 60488 个gene × 586 个sample
raw_logCount[1 : 6 ,1 : 3 ]
### 基因编码文件
我想要分析总的转录本,不需要把mRNA、lncRNA等挑出来,所以下载的这个自带注释文件[ ID/Gene Mapping ](https://gdc-hub.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/download/gencode.v22.annotation.gene.probeMap)
gtf_v22_transcripts <- read_delim ("data/gencode.v22.annotation.gene.probeMap" )
如果只想用蛋白质编码(protein_coding)相关基因,用全基因编码注释文件 [ gencode.v22.annotation ](https://www.encodeproject.org/files/gencode.v22.annotation/)
```{r eval=FALSE}
# 全基因编码 BiocManager::install("rtracklayer")
gtf_v22 <- rtracklayer::import('data/gencode.v22.annotation.gtf.gz') |>
# 选择 蛋白编码mRNA相关基因
gtf_v22_mRNA <- dplyr::select(gtf_v22,
c("gene_id","gene_type", "gene_name"))|>
dplyr::filter(gene_type == "protein_coding") |>
head(gtf_v22_mRNA )
### 根据 ENSEBML 编码内连接
```{r eval=FALSE}
gene_logCount <- raw_logCount |>
inner_join(gtf_v22_transcripts, by = c("Ensembl_ID" = "id")) |>
dplyr::select(gene, starts_with("TCGA") )
```{r include=FALSE}
gene_logCount <- read_csv_arrow("data/gene_logCount.csv")
dim (gene_logCount)
gene_logCount[1 : 6 ,1 : 3 ]
### 去对数
先去对数 log2(count+1)
gene_Count <- gene_logCount |>
mutate_if (is.numeric,~ 2 ^ (.)- 1 )
gene_Count[1 : 6 ,1 : 3 ]
### 去重
gene_Count |> distinct (gene) |> dim ()
repeat_n <- gene_Count |> summarise (n= n (),.by = gene) |> ungroup () |>
summarise (重复n次的基因个数= n (),.by = n ) |> arrange (n)
# 唯一基因个数
sum (repeat_n$ 重复n次的基因个数)
```{r include=FALSE}
library (data.table)
data.table:: setDT (gene_Count)
Counts <- gene_Count[,lapply (.SD,mean),by= gene, .SDcols= patterns ("^(TCGA)" )]
Counts <- Counts |> column_to_rownames ("gene" )
dim (Counts)
::: {#summarise_all .callout-note}
df <- tibble (
g= c ('A' ,'B' ,'A' ,'C' ,'C' ),
x= c (1 : 5 ),
y= c (3 : 7 ),
# 数据多太慢了
df|> group_by (g) |> summarise_all (list (mean))
# 转化成data.table
# library(data.table) 非常快
setDT (df)
# 对基因g进行分组,并对x和y列计算均值
df[, lapply (.SD, mean), by = g, .SDcols = patterns ("x|y" )]
## Sample metadata
### 表型注释文件
# 877 个sample × 125 个样本变量
colData <- fread ("data/TCGA-LUAD.GDC_phenotype.tsv.gz" , sep = " \t " , header = TRUE )
# 选择样本 放疗与kras基因
table (colData$ radiation_therapy,colData$ kras_mutation_found)
pf <- colData |> dplyr:: filter (kras_mutation_found!= "" ) |>
dplyr:: filter (radiation_therapy!= "" ) |>
dplyr:: select (submitter_id.samples,submitter_id,radiation_therapy,kras_mutation_found)
xtabs (formula = ~ radiation_therapy+ kras_mutation_found,data = pf,subset = NULL )
### colData的成对样本
ID <- pf$ submitter_id # 前1~12字符
# 21对配对样本
table (ID)[table (ID)== 2 ] |> length ()
PairedSample <- pf |> summarise (n= n (),.by = "submitter_id" )|> dplyr:: filter (n== 2 )
sample <- left_join (PairedSample,pf,by= join_by ("submitter_id" ))
table (sample$ radiation_therapy,sample$ kras_mutation_found)
### 匹配 assays的成对样本
并且`colData` 中出现的成对样本(21对)要匹配到`assays` 中的成对样本(60对)。(取交集)
# 表达矩阵
patient_of_counts <- str_sub (colnames (Counts),1 ,12 )
paired_patient <- table (patient_of_counts)[table (patient_of_counts)== 2 ]|>
names () # 筛选出60对成对数据
paired_patient |> length ()
取`sample` 和`paired_patient` 的交集,有8对成对数据
# 取交集
final_sample <- lubridate:: intersect (sample$ submitter_id,paired_patient)
sample <- sample |>
dplyr:: filter (sample$ submitter_id %in% final_sample) |>
dplyr:: select (- submitter_id, - n) |>
dplyr:: rename ("sample_id" = "submitter_id.samples" ) |>
arrange (sample_id)
table (sample$ radiation_therapy,sample$ kras_mutation_found)
# 最后的表达矩阵
exprCounts <- Counts |> dplyr:: select (which (colnames (Counts) %in% sample$ sample_id))
exprCounts <- dplyr:: select (exprCounts,order (colnames (exprCounts)))
colnames (exprCounts)
dim (exprCounts)
# 去除所有样本都不表达的基因
exprCounts <- exprCounts |>
mutate (rowsum = apply (exprCounts,1 ,sum)) |>
dplyr:: filter (rowsum!= 0 ) |>
dplyr:: select (- rowsum)
dim (exprCounts)
# 检查计数矩阵和列数据,看看它们在样本顺序方面是否一致。
colnames (exprCounts)
sample$ sample_id
all (sample$ sample_id%in% colnames (exprCounts))
all (sample$ SampleID == colnames (exprCounts))
## 构造DEG实例
dim (exprCounts)
dim (sample)
exprCounts <- ceiling (exprCounts)
根据TCGA样本的命名可以区分正常组织和肿瘤样本的测序结果 其中编号01-09表示肿瘤,10-19表示正常
# 字符14~15,
sample$ condition <- factor (
ifelse (as.numeric (str_sub (sample$ sample_id,14 ,15 )) < 10 ,'tumor' ,'normal' ),
levels = c ("normal" ,"tumor" ),
sample <- column_to_rownames (sample,var = "sample_id" )
library (DESeq2)
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix (countData = exprCounts,
colData = sample,
design = ~ condition)
### 预过滤
smallestGroupSize <- 8
keep <- rowSums (counts (dds) >= 10 ) >= smallestGroupSize
dds <- dds[keep,]
dds$ condition
dds@ colData
head (counts (dds)) # 19562 × 16
## 差异分析
des <- DESeq (dds)
results <- results (
object = des,
contrast = c ("condition" , "tumor" , "normal" ),
alpha = 0.05 ,
filter = rowMeans (counts (des, normalized = TRUE )),# 独立过滤
theta = c (0.025 , 0.975 ),
pAdjustMethod = "BH" ,
metadata (results)["alpha" ]
results[1 : 6 ,]
summary (results)
sum (results$ padj < 0.05 , na.rm= TRUE )
# 根据padj 升序
resOrdered <- results[order (results$ padj),]
x <- as.data.frame (resOrdered) |> rownames_to_column (var = "gene" )
```{r eval=FALSE}
# 导出到csv
write_csv(x, file="data/resOrdered.csv")
mcols (resOrdered)$ description
pvalue,是统计学检验变量,代表差异显著性,一般认为P \< 0.05 为显著, P \< 0.01 为非常显著。其含义为:由抽样误差导致样本间差异的概率小于0.05 或0.01。
padj,是对pvalue进行多重假设检验校正后的结果。转录组测序的差异表达分析是对大量的基因表达值进行的独立统计假设检验,存在假阳性(Family-Wise Error Rate,FWER),Bonferroni矫正
qvalue,False Discovery Rate,FDR,所有假阳性结果占所有拒绝零假设结果的比例,假阳性结果的比例不超过预设的FDR水平(0.05/0.1),基于pvalue的分布。多重假设检验校正方法:Benjamini-Hochberg,
![](data/FoldChange.jpg) {fig-align="center" width="60%"}
DEG <- read_csv ("data/resOrdered.csv" )
DESeq2_DEG <- na.omit (DEG)
nrDEG <- DESeq2_DEG
nrDEG[1 : 25 ,]
### 热图
log2exprCounts <- log2 (counts (des)+ 1 )
library (pheatmap)
pheatmap (log2exprCounts[(head (DESeq2_DEG$ gene,n= 25 )) , ])
### 挑选指定第一个基因看它在同一个病人的配对表达情况
library (ggpubr)
df <- tibble (
group = sample$ condition,
patient = colnames (exprCounts),
expressionValue = as.numeric (exprCounts[DESeq2_DEG$ gene[1 ],]),
ggpubr:: ggpaired (df, x = "group" , y = "expressionValue" ,color = "group" ,
line.color = "gray" , line.size = 0.4 ,palette = "npg" )+
stat_compare_means ()
### 火山图
nrDEG$ group <- factor (
if_else (nrDEG$ padj< 0.05 & abs (nrDEG$ log2FoldChange)>= 1 ,
if_else (nrDEG$ log2FoldChange>= 1 ,"up" ,"down" ),
"NS" ,),
levels = c ("up" ,"down" ,"NS" ) )
table (nrDEG$ group)
gene_labels <- dplyr:: filter (nrDEG,nrDEG$ padj< 0.05 &
abs (nrDEG$ log2FoldChange)>= 1 )|>
slice_head (n= 25 )
ggplot (nrDEG,aes ( x = log2FoldChange,y = - log10 (padj),color= group,shape= group))+
geom_point (alpha= 0.5 ,size= 1.5 )+
scale_color_manual (values = c ("red" ,"green" ,"gray" ))+
#scale_shape_manual(values = c(2,25,4))+
geom_vline (xintercept = c (- 1 ,0 ,1 ),lty= 3 ,color= "grey25" ,lwd= 0.8 )+
geom_hline (yintercept = - log10 (0.05 ),lty= 3 ,color= "grey25" ,lwd= 0.8 )+
ggrepel:: geom_text_repel (
data = gene_labels,
aes (label= gene),
color= "black" ,
size= 2 )+
theme_pubr ()
### LFC收缩和pagj
resultsNames (des)
# BiocManager::install("apeglm") 自适应 t 先验收缩估计器 默认
resLFC <- lfcShrink (des, coef= "condition_tumor_vs_normal" , type= "apeglm" )
# `normal`是原始的 DESeq2 收缩估计器,是先验的自适应正态分布
resNorm <- lfcShrink (des, coef= 2 , type= "normal" )
# BiocManager::install("ashr")
resAsh <- lfcShrink (des, coef= 2 , type= "ashr" )
## 先验信息
priorInfo (resLFC)
priorInfo (resNorm)
priorInfo (resAsh)
### MA图 Mean-AbsDeviation plot
# 对gene添加“是否呈现显著差异表达”的标签
DESeq2_DEG$ significant <- factor (ifelse (DESeq2_DEG$ padj < 0.05 , "Significant" , "NS" ),
levels = c ("Significant" , "NS" ))
table (DESeq2_DEG$ significant)
# 以baseMean作为x,log2FoldChange作为y 以significant作为分类变量
ggplot (DESeq2_DEG, aes (baseMean, log2FoldChange, colour= significant)) +
geom_point (size= 1 ) +
scale_y_continuous (limits= c (- 3 , 3 )) +
scale_x_log10 () +
geom_hline (yintercept = 0 , colour= "black" , linewidth= 1 ) +
labs (x= "mean of normalized counts" , y= "log2FoldChange" ) +
scale_colour_manual (name= "padj" ,
values= c ("Significant" = "blue" ,"NS" = "grey50" )) +
theme_classic ()
xlim <- c (1 ,10e6 )
ylim <- c (- 3 ,3 )
plotMA (resOrdered, xlim= xlim, ylim= ylim,main= "none" )
plotMA (resLFC, xlim= xlim, ylim= ylim, main= "apeglm" )
plotMA (resNorm, xlim= xlim, ylim= ylim, main= "normal" )
plotMA (resAsh, xlim= xlim, ylim= ylim, main= "ashr" )
### readCounts
# the counts of reads for a single gene across the groups
plotCounts (des, gene= which.min (resOrdered$ padj),
intgroup= "condition" ,returnData= TRUE ) |>
ggplot (aes (x= condition, y= count)) +
geom_point (position= position_jitter (w= 0.1 ,h= 0 ))
### 异常观测
W <- resOrdered$ stat
maxCooks <- apply (assays (des)[["cooks" ]],1 ,max)
idx <- ! is.na (W)
plot (rank (W[idx]), maxCooks[idx], xlab= "rank of Wald statistic" ,
ylab= "maximum Cook's distance per gene" ,
ylim= c (0 ,5 ), cex= .4 , col= rgb (0 ,0 ,0 ,.3 ))
m <- ncol (des)
p <- 3
abline (h= qf (.99 , p, m - p))
### 多因素设计
colData (dds)