\[ \chi^2=\sum \frac {(O-E)^2} {E} \]
Show the code ggplot ( ) + xlim ( - 10 ,10 ) +
geom_function ( mapping = aes ( color= "normal Distribution" ) ,
fun = dnorm , args = list ( mean = 0 , sd = 1 ) ,
) +
geom_function ( mapping = aes ( color= "chi-square Distribution" ) ,
fun = dchisq , args = list ( df = 1 ,ncp= 0 ) ,
) +
scale_color_manual ( values = c ( "normal Distribution" = "red" ,
"chi-square Distribution" = "blue" ) ) +
labs ( color = "Distribution" )
在使用卡方检验时,需要的一个参数被称为自由度,指的是独立变量的个数(组数减去限制数)。通常,二项分布已知 \(\pi\) ,泊松分布已知 \(\lambda\) ,正态分布已知 \(\mu\) 和 \(\sigma^2\) 时的自由度是n-1。进行独立性检验时,n行m列联列表的自由度是(n-1) x (m-1)。
Pearson’s \(\chi^2\) 检验 用于检验涉及双向无序多分类变量 的概率或比例。
对于频数表中每个单元格的期望频数都比较大(大于 5)的大样本,correct
Show the code x <- matrix ( c ( 97 ,73 ,7 ,30 ) ,2 ,dimnames = list ( c ( "experiment" ,"control" ) ,c ( "+" ,"-" ) ) )
#> + -
#> experiment 97 7
#> control 73 30
( k1 <- chisq.test ( x ,correct = F ) )
#> Pearson's Chi-squared test
#> data: x
#> X-squared = 17.681, df = 1, p-value = 2.612e-05
# 期望频数列联表
k1 $ expected
#> + -
#> experiment 85.41063 18.58937
#> control 84.58937 18.41063
k1 $ parameter # degrees of freedom
#> df
#> 1
Yate’s 校正
某些单元格的期望频数接近于或小于 5 时,进行 Yates’ 连续校正以修正卡方统计量提高准确性。
Show the code x <- matrix ( c ( 1004 , 325 , 20 , 1 ) , 2 ,
dimnames = list ( c ( "experiment" , "control" ) , c ( "+" , "-" ) ) )
#> + -
#> experiment 1004 20
#> control 325 1
chisq.test ( x ,correct = F ) $ expected
#> + -
#> experiment 1008.0711 15.928889
#> control 320.9289 5.071111
# 校正
( k2 <- chisq.test ( x ,correct = T ) )
#> Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
#> data: x
#> X-squared = 3.3678, df = 1, p-value = 0.06648
Fisher’s Exact 检验
Fisher 精确概率检验(Fisher’s Exact Test)通常在以下情况中使用:
总样本数 n 小于 40;
列联表中任何一个单元格的期望频数小于 5。
Show the code x <- matrix ( c ( 7 ,2 ,7 ,17 ) ,2 ,dimnames = list ( c ( "A" ,"B" ) ,c ( "Yes" ,"No" ) ) )
#> Yes No
#> A 7 7
#> B 2 17
( k5 <- fisher.test ( x ) )
#> Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data
#> data: x
#> p-value = 0.01914
#> alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1
#> 95 percent confidence interval:
#> 1.134346 96.442876
#> sample estimates:
#> odds ratio
#> 7.892809
chisq.test ( x )
#> Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction
#> data: x
#> X-squared = 4.4985, df = 1, p-value = 0.03393
E <- chisq.test ( x ) $ expected
chisq <- sum ( ( x - E ) ^ 2 / E )
#> [1] 6.332237
p_value_asymptotic <- 1 - pchisq ( chisq , df = 1 )
Show the code
tibble (
x = - 10 : 10 ,
y_hyper = dhyper ( x , m = 10 ,n = 7 ,k = 8 ) ,
) %>%
ggplot ( ) +
geom_col ( aes ( x= x ,y = y_hyper ,color= "Hypergeometric Distribution" ) ,fill= NA ) +
geom_function ( aes ( color= "Normal Distribution" ) ,
fun= dnorm , args = list ( mean = 0 , sd = 1 ) ) +
scale_color_manual ( values = c ( "Normal Distribution" = "red" ,
"Hypergeometric Distribution" = "blue" ) ) +
labs ( color = "Distribution" )
Show the code
tibble (
x = - 5 : 15 ,
y_binom = dbinom ( x , size = 10 ,prob = 0.5 ) ,
) %>%
ggplot ( ) +
geom_col ( aes ( x= x ,y= y_binom ,color= "binomal Distribution" ) ,fill= NA ) +
geom_function ( mapping = aes ( color= "normal Distribution" ) ,
fun = dnorm , args = list ( mean = 5 , sd = 1 ) ,
) +
scale_color_manual ( values = c ( "normal Distribution" = "red" ,
"binomal Distribution" = "blue" ) ) +
labs ( color = "Distribution" )
McNemar’s 检验
20 < b+c = 5 + 34 < 40
Show the code x <- matrix ( c ( 36 ,34 ,5 ,135 ) ,2 ,dimnames = list ( c ( "A+" ,"A-" ) ,c ( "B+" ,"B-" ) ) )
#> B+ B-
#> A+ 36 5
#> A- 34 135
( k3 <- mcnemar.test ( x ,correct = F ) )
#> McNemar's Chi-squared test
#> data: x
#> McNemar's chi-squared = 21.564, df = 1, p-value = 3.422e-06
# 对于配对四格表,如果样本量较小(不一致的结果的总数小于 40 ) ,则需要进行连续性校正。
( k4 <- mcnemar.test ( x ,correct = T ) )
#> McNemar's Chi-squared test with continuity correction
#> data: x
#> McNemar's chi-squared = 20.103, df = 1, p-value = 7.34e-06
Show the code # 某实验室分别用免疫荧光法和乳胶凝集法对 58 名疑似系统性红斑狼疮患者血清中抗 核抗体进行测定
result <- matrix ( c ( 11 , 2 , 12 , 33 ) , nrow = 2 ,dimnames = list ( c ( "+" ,"-" ) ,c ( "+" ,"-" ) ) )
#> + -
#> + 11 12
#> - 2 33
# 对于配对四格表,如果样本量较小(不一致的结果的总数小于 40 ) ,则需要进行连续性校正。
mcnemar.test ( result ,correct = TRUE )
#> McNemar's Chi-squared test with continuity correction
#> data: result
#> McNemar's chi-squared = 5.7857, df = 1, p-value = 0.01616
精确 McNemar’s 检验
b+c = 7 + 1 <20
P=\sum_{i≤k} p_i
Show the code x <- matrix ( c ( 3 ,1 ,7 ,9 ) ,2 ,dimnames = list ( c ( "A+" ,"A-" ) ,c ( "B+" ,"B-" ) ) )
#> B+ B-
#> A+ 3 7
#> A- 1 9
P_two_sided <- 2 * sum ( dbinom ( x= 0 : 1 ,size = 8 ,prob = 0.5 ) )
#> [1] 0.0703125
在 R×C 列联表的情况下,如果表中的单元格期望频数满足以下条件:
期望频数 T < 5 的单元格不超过 1/5。
没有单元格期望频数 T < 1 。
Show the code x <- matrix ( c ( 150 ,184 ,198 ,50 ,16 ,2 ) ,3 ,dimnames = list ( c ( "A" ,"B" ,"C" ) ,c ( "Yes" ,"No" ) ) )
#> Yes No
#> A 150 50
#> B 184 16
#> C 198 2
( k <- chisq.test ( x ,correct = F ) )
#> Pearson's Chi-squared test
#> data: x
#> X-squared = 60.637, df = 2, p-value = 6.806e-14
Show the code ( k <- chisq.test ( x ,correct = T ) )
#> Pearson's Chi-squared test
#> data: x
#> X-squared = 60.637, df = 2, p-value = 6.806e-14
k $ expected
#> Yes No
#> A 177.3333 22.66667
#> B 177.3333 22.66667
#> C 177.3333 22.66667
\alpha'=\frac {\alpha}{比较的次数=\frac{k(k-1)}{2}}
卡方分割法与Bonferroni方法调整p值是两种不同的统计分析方法,主要用于处理多重比较问题。它们的区别如下: 1. 卡方分割法 - 定义 :卡方分割法通常用于对卡方检验结果进行后续分析,以确定哪些具体的类别或组之间存在显著差异。该方法基于检验统计量在每对比较中的分布进行分析。 - 应用 :常用于发现哪些特定组(行或列)之间存在差异,通常需要进行后续的成对比较。 - 目的 :帮助识别在显著性结果中,具体是哪些组之间存在显著差异。
定义 :Bonferroni方法是一种用于控制多重比较的显著性水平的校正方法。在进行多次假设检验时,原始的显著性水平(例如0.05)会被除以比较次数,从而得出新的显著性水平。
应用 :适用于多个独立检验结果的显著性水平调整,以减少因多重比较导致的假阳性率。
目的 :降低第一类错误的概率(即假阳性),确保在多次检验中保持整体的显著性水平。
卡方分割法 更侧重于分析具体的类别差异,而Bonferroni方法 则专注于调整p值以控制错误率。
如果你已经通过卡方检验发现某些组之间有显著差异,卡方分割法可以帮助你进一步了解哪些组之间有差异。而Bonferroni方法在初步检验前就帮助控制多重比较的问题,确保分析结果的可靠性。 ’
Show the code
# 创建频率矩阵
data <- matrix ( c ( 251 , 225 ,
368 , 347 ,
132 , 16 ,
54 , 22 ,
9 , 18 ,
21 , 110 ,
4 , 30 ,
46 , 93 ) ,
nrow = 8 ,
byrow = TRUE )
# 为矩阵添加行和列名称
rownames ( data ) <- c ( "团队" , "球员" , "教练" , "品牌" , "管理" , "历史" , "文化" , "其他" )
colnames ( data ) <- c ( "Period 1" , "Period 2" )
# 执行卡方检验
chi_square_result <- chisq.test ( data , correct= T )
# 显示结果
print ( chi_square_result )
#> Pearson's Chi-squared test
#> data: data
#> X-squared = 205.38, df = 7, p-value < 2.2e-16
# 提取卡方值,自由度和p值
chi_square_value <- chi_square_result $ statistic
degrees_of_freedom <- chi_square_result $ parameter
p_value <- chi_square_result $ p.value
# 打印结果
cat ( "卡方值:" , chi_square_value , "\n" )
#> 卡方值: 205.3786
cat ( "自由度:" , degrees_of_freedom , "\n" )
#> 自由度: 7
cat ( "显著性水平 (p值):" , p_value , "\n" )
#> 显著性水平 (p值): 8.326236e-41
# 进行多重卡方检验
chi_square_results <- apply ( data , 1 , function ( x ) chisq.test ( matrix ( x , nrow= 2 ) ) )
# 提取卡方,自由度,p值
X2 <- sapply ( chi_square_results , function ( x ) x $ statistic )
p_values <- sapply ( chi_square_results , function ( x ) x $ p.value )
df <- sapply ( chi_square_results , function ( x ) x $ parameter )
# 多重比较调整
adjusted_p_values <- p.adjust ( p_values , method = "bonferroni" )
signifcance <- case_when (
adjusted_p_values < 0.001 ~ "***" ,
adjusted_p_values < 0.01 ~ "**" ,
adjusted_p_values < 0.05 ~ "*" ,
.default = "ns"
results <- tibble (
dimension = rownames ( data ) ,
chisq_statistic = X2 ,
p_value = p_values ,
p_adjust = adjusted_p_values ,
signifcance = signifcance
print ( results )
#> # A tibble: 8 × 5
#> dimension chisq_statistic p_value p_adjust signifcance
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 团队 1.42 2.33e- 1 1 e+ 0 ns
#> 2 球员 0.617 4.32e- 1 1 e+ 0 ns
#> 3 教练 90.9 1.50e-21 1.20e-20 ***
#> 4 品牌 13.5 2.42e- 4 1.94e- 3 **
#> 5 管理 3 8.33e- 2 6.66e- 1 ns
#> 6 历史 60.5 7.49e-15 5.99e-14 ***
#> 7 文化 19.9 8.24e- 6 6.59e- 5 ***
#> 8 其他 15.9 6.71e- 5 5.36e- 4 ***
Pearson’s \(\chi^2\) goodness-of-fit test
此检验检查观察到的频率分布是否与预期的理论分布匹配,例如均匀分布或任何其他预期分布。此检验扩展了单比率 Z 检验 。
Show the code observed <- c ( 11 , 32 , 24 ) # Observed frequencies
expected <- c ( 0.2 , 0.5 , 0.3 ) # Expected probabilities (sum up to 1)
# Chi-squared test for goodness of fit (Are the population probabilities equal to 'p'?)
chisq.test ( x = observed , p = expected )
#> Chi-squared test for given probabilities
#> data: observed
#> X-squared = 1.2537, df = 2, p-value = 0.5343
设置rescale.p = TRUE
频率将重新缩放以求和为 1
Show the code observed <- c ( 11 , 32 , 24 ) # Observed frequencies
expected <- c ( 20 , 50 , 30 ) # Expected frequencies
# Chi-squared test for goodness of fit with rescaled 'p'
chisq.test ( x = observed , p = expected , rescale.p = TRUE )
#> Chi-squared test for given probabilities
#> data: observed
#> X-squared = 1.2537, df = 2, p-value = 0.5343
Show the code observed <- c ( 15 , 25 , 20 )
chisq.test ( observed )
#> Chi-squared test for given probabilities
#> data: observed
#> X-squared = 2.5, df = 2, p-value = 0.2865
chisq.test ( observed , p = rep ( 1 / 3 ,3 ) )
#> Chi-squared test for given probabilities
#> data: observed
#> X-squared = 2.5, df = 2, p-value = 0.2865
Chi-squared test of homogeneity
此检验比较单个分类变量 在多个独立组或总体 中的分布。它确定单个分类变量的频率分布在不同组中是相似还是同质。此检验扩展了两个比例 Z 检验 。
Show the code data <- matrix ( c ( 18 , 26 , 44 , 6 , 14 , 19 ) , nrow = 2 , byrow = TRUE )
colnames ( data ) <- c ( "Drug A" , "Drug B" , "Drug C" )
rownames ( data ) <- c ( "Age under 30" , "Age over 30" )
chisq.test ( data )
#> Pearson's Chi-squared test
#> data: data
#> X-squared = 0.72271, df = 2, p-value = 0.6967
data %>% t ( ) %>% chisq.test ( )
#> Pearson's Chi-squared test
#> data: .
#> X-squared = 0.72271, df = 2, p-value = 0.6967
p 值为 0.6967,大于通常的显著性水平,因此没有证据否定年龄组之间分布相等的原假设。
Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel \(\chi^2\) 检验
又叫行均分检验,常用于按照某个变量进行分层后的检验,用于检验两个有序分类变量是否存在线性相关 ,但实际上用途很广泛,比如因变量是有序变量的单向有序列联表,也可以用。
两个变量的关联有可能受到第三个变量的影响,因此我们有必要检验两个分类变量在 调整(控制)第三个变量的情况下是否独立。 Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel χ 2 检验常用于探索 变量间的混杂因素。其零假设是:两个分类变量在第三个变量的每一层都是条件独立的。函数 mantelhaen.test( ) 可以用来进行该检验。
Show the code Rabbits <-
array ( c ( 0 , 0 , 6 , 5 ,
3 , 0 , 3 , 6 ,
6 , 2 , 0 , 4 ,
5 , 6 , 1 , 0 ,
2 , 5 , 0 , 0 ) ,
dim = c ( 2 , 2 , 5 ) ,
dimnames = list (
Delay = c ( "None" , "1.5h" ) ,
Response = c ( "Cured" , "Died" ) ,
Penicillin.Level = c ( "1/8" , "1/4" , "1/2" , "1" , "4" ) ) )
#> , , Penicillin.Level = 1/8
#> Response
#> Delay Cured Died
#> None 0 6
#> 1.5h 0 5
#> , , Penicillin.Level = 1/4
#> Response
#> Delay Cured Died
#> None 3 3
#> 1.5h 0 6
#> , , Penicillin.Level = 1/2
#> Response
#> Delay Cured Died
#> None 6 0
#> 1.5h 2 4
#> , , Penicillin.Level = 1
#> Response
#> Delay Cured Died
#> None 5 1
#> 1.5h 6 0
#> , , Penicillin.Level = 4
#> Response
#> Delay Cured Died
#> None 2 0
#> 1.5h 5 0
mantelhaen.test ( Rabbits )
#> Mantel-Haenszel chi-squared test with continuity correction
#> data: Rabbits
#> Mantel-Haenszel X-squared = 3.9286, df = 1, p-value = 0.04747
#> alternative hypothesis: true common odds ratio is not equal to 1
#> 95 percent confidence interval:
#> 1.026713 47.725133
#> sample estimates:
#> common odds ratio
#> 7